Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Beowulf's Death

I thought that Beowulf's death was a good way to end the story. I was happy with how he died because he died doing what he felt he was most suited. He felt as though his duty as a warrior and a king was to protect his people. If I were a king and I were Beowulf in the story, that is how I would want to die. The story wouldn't have been good if it hadn't have ended with a new beginning. By Beowulf dying, I gives the story some depth and leaves you thinking after you are finished reading it. The ending let Beowulf die doing what he believed was his duty and let him die more like a man. "The sad troops rose,went in tears below Earnanessto view the wonder. Lifeless on the sand, held in his rest-bed, was the man who had given them treasures. That was the last day of the prince of the Geats; he died a wondrous death."I am happy that the story did not end with Beowulf dying a shriveled old man in his bed. This was is better because it showed that no matter his age Beowulf was always ready to protect and he never changed as a person.

Beowulf dying at the end also helped bring closure to Beowulf's life and his reign as leader. The part where his warriors prepare his funeral and his mound overlooking the sea showed the respect that he earned among his people. This I think helps shape who Beowulf was and what all he achieved in his life. I like that he was the same in his youth as in his old age whereas he always acted immediately where help was needed. As a young warrior he fought Grendel and his mother with much bravery, in his old age he fought the dragon that threatened his people in the same way. Regardless of his age, he fought alone and to the death. Beowulf's death is what I would have hoped for him, myself if I were a king, and as an ending to the story. I believe that a great warrior just wouldn't die happy if he didn't die in glory. Beowulf died in glory trying to protect his people and probably died feeling fulfilled, like a great warrior.


Anonymous said...

You should add a little direct evidence from the poem to support what you say here.

Leave me another comment when you have added this.

Anonymous said...

Much better. You should start looking into which novel you will read for your project.